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Truth is ruthless - die Wahrheit ist unbarmherzig (Susanne Marie)

Truth will steal everything from you, including the last card you hold up your sleeve: Your hope that spirituality will save you from your life as it is, from your humanity, and from impermanence. Truth comes in like a robber in the middle of the night and takes your most treasured hopes for a better life. It reveals things as they are, stripping any imaginative layers that we place over things in order to feel better. We get sobered up without filtration, and we finally feel our heart exposed leaving nowhere left to hide. We become naked to ourselves ending pretense and finding true authenticity within our lives and with others. A deep intimacy with all things emerges and everything gets turned inside out. Truth is beautiful and it is ruthless. It removes all obstacles to itself. It is the best house cleaning service around. It will empty you out until all that is left is love. Die Wahrheit wird dir alles nehmen, auch die letzte Karte, die du noch im Ärmel hast: Deine Hoffnung, dass S

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